Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY A Visit to Sherwood Forest and stunning Sunset

Where I work, at the parking lot is a forested region, that runs the entire length of the Right side.  I have nick named this Sherwood Forest, because it reminds me of the place Robin Hood lived.  So we have two shots of Sherwood Forest, and one of a stunning sunset, that I took yesterday.


  1. You know, sometimes I think I am supposed to live in Sherwood. Maid Marion and I would be buds!
    Love you my Robin Hood!
    ~Naila Moon

  2. they are so AWESOME! it seems as if Robin Hood is going to come out any moment, lol!

    mine's HERE by the way..

  3. Very cool background on your blog! Great photos the sunset-that's gorgeous! Thanks for visiting my blog.
